Monday, December 28, 2009
108th Hakka Toastmasters Meeting (12/26/2009)
We thought Christmas long weekend will be hard for our fellow members to show up on this 108th meeting. Plus there is an urgent change for the venue...but ends up we have 22 friends came to the meeting and also we did enjoy our Holidays Potlucks Party. (Thanks Ivan/Josey, Hui-Yuan and Josephine, who help set the foods and beverage, of course, tea is serving....) We also celebrate both Hui-Yuan and Chang-Ting's official retirement. Congratulations to this cute couple, after 26 years devotion to the LACSD. (We will wait for them to share with us their new plan of new career, soon.)
With the Gong hit by Mr. James Leu, we have our meeting officially started....
This month's speaker is our brother Peng, who just returned from his trip back to Taiwan for the Seminar of
Overseas Hakka Teachers Camp. He has gone through the full 3 weeks training...and his presentation might evoke more friends to participate next year. Peng use good PPS for the presentation, and we are obliged to Ivan to let us borrow his projector again. (**I will have PPS file for everyone to copy, per brother Peng's permission. Get in touch with me or contact Peng. He did a wonderful job on this PPS. )
We are too busy for great foods and good time, no one did take photos of our Party time...well, we save these good pictures to our brains memory.
Monday, November 30, 2009
107th Hakka Toastmasters Meeting
Right in the long weekend of Thanksgiving break,.we thought most of our friends will still be busy entertaining with their own we decided not to push calling for this meeting. However, it turned out not bad at all, 10 people had shown up in this 107th meeting plus a new Hakka friend, Ms. Teng.
Josephine prepared quite a few snacks and Sandy also brought her home-madeTaiwanese sausages, which were perfect to go with Oolong tea...before and after our meeting. We knew everyone was in Holidays atmosphere...and we were having great fun chatting in Hakka...especially with Mrs. Huang's Hakka mountain songs and riddles for guessing.... (**We've done some films to be posted and shared with
Thomas is the term speaker and he shared with all his most recent experience of visiting Taiwan's wild tea forest in the central Taiwan. Taiwan tea's history could be more dimensional with more tea cultivars that rooted from the local mountains...a long way to go, but it will be a huge impact afterward.
Lisa and Kim Wu are planning to open their house for our 108th Meeting, which will be set on the 12/26.
Please plan for it.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
105th Hakka Toasmasters Meeting (9/26/2009) @ Baldwin Park
Hot ! Hot! Hot!
The heat wave is continuously hitting Southen California today! It is over 105 degree outside, and inside the meeting room, it is not less hot at all even with air-conditioning on ...
Our 105th meeting went on with surprises!
Brother Peng and Sister Su did an excellent presentation - demo and explanation, very informative and plus great teas they brewed and served to all. Many photos and video clip to record their great performance.
Lisa did her evaluator's assignment with her very funny describtion.
Ivan led the whole meeting process as our MC, and Josephine served as timer.
New friends, Rev Thomas Chen and his wife came in as the first time attendee. We really look forward to their active participation...
Mr. James Leu and his wife joined us for the second time since last Descember. We have planned to invite him for one presentation soon...He also helped us to do the video taping for the tea presentaion...
Sister Fan showed up with her new toy, a walking stick along with her recovery from last year's accident...Her son Justin stayed the whole meeting with us to learn about The Art of Tea...Glad he did so.
Mrs. Chee popped up after quiet a few months' no show...She made one big pot of green bean soup to help cool everyone off...but unfortunately, no bowls available on site to serve...
Ivan's parents did join us this month...Not to mention our regular gangs...Mrs. Huang Wen, Mr. Lai, Lisa & Kim, Ivan, Wen & Nancy... A full house packed in a tiny conference room. Exactly what I mean: HOT ! Simply a great meeting. We got chance to practice our mother tongue, and Brother Peng and Sister Su got chance to present their Cha-Do in Hakka. Thanks to their nice teas. Wait a minute, it is Moon Festival coming up...Wen & Nancy did bring the moon cakes to share with all...and how can I forget to mention about the famous Mochi made by our captain Madam Hunag Wen Wentze.
Enjoy many good photos and the video. See you all next month!
The heat wave is continuously hitting Southen California today! It is over 105 degree outside, and inside the meeting room, it is not less hot at all even with air-conditioning on ...
Our 105th meeting went on with surprises!
Brother Peng and Sister Su did an excellent presentation - demo and explanation, very informative and plus great teas they brewed and served to all. Many photos and video clip to record their great performance.
Lisa did her evaluator's assignment with her very funny describtion.
Ivan led the whole meeting process as our MC, and Josephine served as timer.
New friends, Rev Thomas Chen and his wife came in as the first time attendee. We really look forward to their active participation...
Mr. James Leu and his wife joined us for the second time since last Descember. We have planned to invite him for one presentation soon...He also helped us to do the video taping for the tea presentaion...
Sister Fan showed up with her new toy, a walking stick along with her recovery from last year's accident...Her son Justin stayed the whole meeting with us to learn about The Art of Tea...Glad he did so.
Mrs. Chee popped up after quiet a few months' no show...She made one big pot of green bean soup to help cool everyone off...but unfortunately, no bowls available on site to serve...
Ivan's parents did join us this month...Not to mention our regular gangs...Mrs. Huang Wen, Mr. Lai, Lisa & Kim, Ivan, Wen & Nancy... A full house packed in a tiny conference room. Exactly what I mean: HOT ! Simply a great meeting. We got chance to practice our mother tongue, and Brother Peng and Sister Su got chance to present their Cha-Do in Hakka. Thanks to their nice teas. Wait a minute, it is Moon Festival coming up...Wen & Nancy did bring the moon cakes to share with all...and how can I forget to mention about the famous Mochi made by our captain Madam Hunag Wen Wentze.
Enjoy many good photos and the video. See you all next month!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
What did we learn from 88 Disaster?
Did we get the message from our motherland yet?
a.) Share with you the Statement by Hapa-Na.
b.) Share with you an article that sent in to echo.
c.) Share with you my personal thought about Hakka and Taiwan.
I hope we can have a forum to discuss this serious topic...looking forward to your comments.
a.) Hapa-Na's Statement:
To whom it may concerned:
Our Board has approved the following statement to express our sincere concern about the recent 88 Disaster happened on our motherland. We pray for the relief of victims and their early recovery.
北美臺灣客家事務協會會長 李常吉 敬啟 9/2/2009
b.) An echo from Taiwan:
我現在經營花蓮希望之聲廣播電台FM905一切都在學習 請多指教
張鎮坤 886-910-288650
C.) Hakka & Taiwan:
Over the last three weeks' efforts in 88 Disaster Relief Funds Raising, I have thought it over and over again. "Hakka" mentality could be the cancer cell for our homeland, Taiwan.
I used to be so proud to be a Hakka. Full of adventural spirits and continuously finding new homelands!
But, what happen if one day, we will beome just another diminishing Gipsy?
Or, over a sudden, just like the landslide bury the whole village! There is no home for us any more.
We all know what kind of Government Taiwanese are dealing with now...
It is more important that all Taiwanese waked up to set our own goal to make this island our own country !
Over the last 400 years, besides the native aboriginals, most immigrants came here to take advantage of the island of Formosa...
Our mentality haven't set for building a "Country" to keep this Formosa forever.
Hakka's (客居) attitude - has been deeply rooted in all "Taiwanese" minds over these long 400 years, not only limited to Hakkanese speaking people, but all Taiwanese.
Yes, we were and are still "guest living" on this island.
Never plan to have this place as our homeland. Never think of having our own Country here!
88 Disaster should be a turning point.
No No No No.....No more Hakka. Only Hakkanese speaking Taiwanese.
No No No No.....No more confusion! Taiwan is our Country.
All Taiwanese must humbly admit and thoroughly apologize to our mother land - Taiwan.
We have to rebuild a beautiful island and let Formosa be Formosa, a forever beautiful island.
We have to build Taiwan as a formal Country, which we love, we care and we will be loyal to, we shall be proud to be a Taiwanese.
No more "Hakka" in Taiwan. Hakka should be Taiwanese, and we are Hakka Taiwanese., we are citizenz of Taiwan. We don't guest living here, we are Taiwanese.
And, after 88 Disaster -
All residents on Taiwan must reprocess their identification.
We propose that every resident to go through an official Immigrant & Naturalization process:
1.) Every one in Taiwan now must get Green Card to stay as a legal resident, lives and pays Tax in Taiwan. Whoever, cannot qualify to have Green Card, must apply Visas to become visitors and stay in Taiwan legally with Visas.
2.) Apply for Taiwan's Citizenship, to become a Taiwanese.
For those who currently live in Taiwan now, they are not willing to identify themselves as Taiwanese, they can remain so to have their Green Cards as legal residents, pay the tax, enjoy their stay...But they won't have the Civil Right to vote or running for certain official positions.
Make it clear:
Only Taiwanese, the Citizens, can run our own country. No more the messy messy...
Taiwanese for Taiwan.
Different languages, various colors, when to be Naturalized... are no issues.
Taiwan for Taiwanese.
From now on, Taiwan is a formal Country, a country of Freedom and Democracy.
No other names, no other people...
Taiwan is our country, and we are Taiwanese!
All the best,
Thomas Shu 9/3/2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
88 Disaster Relief Fund Raising
Here in Los Angeles, our Hakka Taiwanese show strong supports to those victims in 88 Disaster.
We echoed Taiwan Center's calling...and on the first press conference, we have donated the first batch of collected money $2400 and also we got Samuel Lee's help to have the following film taken:
Thanks to Mrs. Huang Wen Wentze and Mr. Lai Mu-Lien - They not only donated money from their saving, also encouraged their family and friends to help out. With this film, so many Hakka and non-Hakka friends saw it on the facebook and echoed...They are very inspiring...Thank you...Salute to these two seniors Hakka Taiwanese.
Many of our Hakka friends and tea colleagues donated their money via different channels...Thank you.
The following Hakka friends and our fellow Amercian tea colleagues did hand their money or mailed the checks to Josephine. We will make sure Taiwan Center to send the tax dedubtible receipt directly to every one. Again, thanks for your kindness and efforts.
Wen Sung
West & Julie Huang
Michael & Debbie Spillane,(G.S. Haly Tea)
Robert & Anna Tsai,
Thomas & Josephine Shu,
Bill Waddington (Tea Source)
Arcadia 千味小吃
Shih-Hung Lo
Huang Wen Wentze
Chang-Tin & Hui-Yuan Lin
Minghung Wei
Charles Lin
Karen Shu
Jeff Peng
Jessica Yang
Benjamin Wu
Share with all the email I sent out on 8/13/2009
Dear all:
Sharing these news reports with you:
Thank you all for echoing the fund raising for Taiwan 88 Relief...
We are very touched.
We echoed Taiwan Center's calling...and on the first press conference, we have donated the first batch of collected money $2400 and also we got Samuel Lee's help to have the following film taken:
Thanks to Mrs. Huang Wen Wentze and Mr. Lai Mu-Lien - They not only donated money from their saving, also encouraged their family and friends to help out. With this film, so many Hakka and non-Hakka friends saw it on the facebook and echoed...They are very inspiring...Thank you...Salute to these two seniors Hakka Taiwanese.
Many of our Hakka friends and tea colleagues donated their money via different channels...Thank you.
The following Hakka friends and our fellow Amercian tea colleagues did hand their money or mailed the checks to Josephine. We will make sure Taiwan Center to send the tax dedubtible receipt directly to every one. Again, thanks for your kindness and efforts.
Wen Sung
West & Julie Huang
Michael & Debbie Spillane,(G.S. Haly Tea)
Robert & Anna Tsai,
Thomas & Josephine Shu,
Bill Waddington (Tea Source)
Arcadia 千味小吃
Shih-Hung Lo
Huang Wen Wentze
Chang-Tin & Hui-Yuan Lin
Minghung Wei
Charles Lin
Karen Shu
Jeff Peng
Jessica Yang
Benjamin Wu
Share with all the email I sent out on 8/13/2009
Dear all:
Sharing these news reports with you:
Thank you all for echoing the fund raising for Taiwan 88 Relief...
We are very touched.
104th Hakka Toastmaster Meeting
We have our August/2009 Hakka Toastmaster Meeting on 8/29/2009 (Sat) 3:00PM at 14520 Arrow Highway, Baldwin Park, Califonia. Josephine Pan is the speaker, her topic is "Finding the first USDA Certified Organic Taiwan Oolong"., Chang-Ting Lin is evaluator, Thomas Shu is timer, and Yuan-Hsiang Peng is MC. Please see the video and photos.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
茶與歌總是不解緣 一

Formosa Oolong is the first tea song I tried to blend in Taiwan tea culture promotion.
Again, this is a recorded audio file from Ah Kuen Go's radio program back on 2005.
Thanks, Ah Kuen Go for your sharing this one.
Again, this is a recorded audio file from Ah Kuen Go's radio program back on 2005.
Thanks, Ah Kuen Go for your sharing this one.
茶與歌總是不解緣 二

This is an old audio tape recorded at Ah Kuen Go's radio program
at Taipei back on 2005...
Thank you, Ah Kuen Go.
at Taipei back on 2005...
Thank you, Ah Kuen Go.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The missing piece...
Back on 2007, Sam-Gup-Shui Studio had worked on a Hakka song for 228 Commemorative Concert. We did try with several composers before Lynn Huang's trial...Just in one week, Lynn called Josephine and I to listen to her piece...and we called Mrs. Du-Pan Fan-Ger, who writes the poem. She told us "YES" after a long silence...We then called Principle Chang Chiu-Tai for his opinion about the song. The answer is another firm Yes. Due to the conflict of schedule, we cannot make it over DC for the performance, and we had this song's World Premiere at our 228-60 Commemorative Concert at Los Angeles on 2/28/2007. Mater Huang Min-Yuan's Trumpet Solo and Half-Step Chorus' beautiful performance enhance this first ever Hakka song composed for the historical 228.
Hearty appreciation to Mr. Don Lin - the following link is the missing piece of our great memory.
Hui-Ju did share with her excitement right after her performance...but we were not able to feel her heart back, with this video, it says it all.
Please click on the following link:
Thomas 7/15/2009
Hearty appreciation to Mr. Don Lin - the following link is the missing piece of our great memory.
Hui-Ju did share with her excitement right after her performance...but we were not able to feel her heart back, with this video, it says it all.
Please click on the following link:
Thomas 7/15/2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Hakka Toastmaster Meeting (5/31/2009)
May is always a busy month! We have so many activities in celebration of Taiwanese American Heritage Week. However, we still managed to keep our 101th Meeting on schedule.
This time, we come to Ivan and Josey Huang's beautiful new house at Chino Hills for our gathering. We are so glad for this young couple ! Frank and Grace, the two best young Hakka Volunteers we have are very happy with their new houses and environment. Lunch is served with Potluck buffet...wines, tea, sodas and a lot of fruits...
Chang-Ting's topic for this month got something with our usual ...well presented and our evaluator Josephine gave him high score.
Enjoy viewing the slideshow:
This time, we come to Ivan and Josey Huang's beautiful new house at Chino Hills for our gathering. We are so glad for this young couple ! Frank and Grace, the two best young Hakka Volunteers we have are very happy with their new houses and environment. Lunch is served with Potluck buffet...wines, tea, sodas and a lot of fruits...
Chang-Ting's topic for this month got something with our usual ...well presented and our evaluator Josephine gave him high score.
Enjoy viewing the slideshow:
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Celebrate 100th Meeting of Hakka Toastmaster (4/25/2009)
Los Angeles Hakka Toastmaster Meeting started from Jan/2001.
On April 25, 2009, we are celebrating our 100th monthly meeting.
Our members did put up a great program:
Professor Cyde Kiang and Mr. Mu-Lien Lai each has special presentation.
Lisa Wu leads a review of our Hakka Jokes Contests.
Josephine Pan and Lynn Huang with Sam-Gup-Shui Studio feature a musical play to tell the Story of Taiwan Hakka.
Every particcipant got 1 minute to share his/her viewpoint...
We were practicing our mother tongue and we just do it! Persistently....
Monday, January 5, 2009
Dancing? Boy! What an experience!
"Friends of Taiwan" was celebrating 2006 Thanksgiving on November 4,
at the Culture Center at City of El Monte.
There were enough musical programs already and the host was seriously
asking for our Hakka Dance...well, here are "Dancing Girls"...
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Invited to perform for NATEASC on 11/11/2006
Sam Gup Shui Studio was invited to the annual conference of NATEASC on 11.11.2006 at San Gabriel Hilton Hotel.
The musical play is about the Story of Taiwan Hakka...
We use each song to describe each period of time.
Mini Concert for Director Lee ( 7/10/2007 )
Former Director of Council for Hakka Affairs, Mr. Lee Y.D. lead his staff
visiting US during July, 2007. We had arranged one mini concert for him
at Arcadia, CA.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
2007/10/28 Trumpet Musical Play
10/28/2007, at Los Angeles Taiwan Center, Hakka Toastmaster
Meeting invited Master Huang Ming-Yuan to have his Mini Concert.
Master Huang prepared this program, and worked with josephine for
the introduction. Piano accompanist is Lynn Huang.
A memorable one...please enjoy these pictures...
2008 228-61 Commemorative Concert
We have added something new for this Concert!
Christine Cheng and her team enhanced this evening with remarkable
sign dance. Respectful Rev. Thomas Chen continuously gave us his
testimonial speech and lead all audience do the Prayer. Again, we were
brave to have this Concert during the weekdays evening. We believe
228 Commemorative Concert is supposed to be on 2/28.
her sign dance team his 228-61 Commemorative Concert
Behind the Scene of 228-60 Concert
There were several 228 events were set on either the weekend
before or after. We were hesitating whether we should keep this
Concert on the Wednesday evening. But, apparently, our volunteers
and the audience were very supportive. We have won the crowd
again together!
2007 "228-60" Commemorative Concert
This is the first Taiwan Hakka Concert featureing 228. We have our own composition -
"The Spiritual Day of Taiwan" premiere show in this event. The trumpet musician
Master Huang Ming-Yuan and the "Half-Step Chorus" are marvelous and have great
- performance for this particular concert.
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