Sunday, April 29, 2012

2012 L.A. River CleanUp


Continuously, our Hakka Toastmasters Meeting group has dedicated our monthly meeting for this outdoor community activity.  This is our 136th monthly meeting and we do it at Lower Compton Creek again on 4/28/2012.  In the past, we need to have big pulling from our Taiwanese American community to get this event going.  After a few years' persistence...we know that fermentation is on... Besides our Hakka Taiwanese, there are so many volunteers already committed to this meaningful event, they will quietly chip in, and be there on time.  We salute to these friends for their being so supportive:  Dr. KK Hsu and Dr. Hsieh from North Ridge, each has car-full volunteers... Friends from 西北區同鄉會 are such a wonderful group. 
Last year, we got over-crowded in this site, which might scare away many long time partners, such as Kaiser Permanente group and also Starbucks...  Yet, we have seen so many local Compton residents stepped a group of teems that organized by Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) Junior Rangers...  This is something we have been waiting to happen --- the local community's involvement.  Maybe it is just a few hours' trash picking...yet it will change our minds and understanding what kind of practice should be done in our daily life to keep this earth clean.
I hope next year, we will have more people come forward....

4.27.12 James Leu  

Monday, April 2, 2012

135th Hakka Toastmasters Meeting (3/31/2012)

3/31/2012, our 135th meeting at Baldwain Park.
Ivan Huang is the MC., Yuan-Hsiang Peng is evaluator., Thomas Shu controls time.
Lisa Wu has prepared well for her presentation...sharing own experience always easy to touch others' hearts. This topic: Taking care of senior family members  is a very practical one.  Everyone has been dealing with different situations, and the discussion and sharing session is also highly responsive.
I received email from 溫英樹老師 to echo this topic, he asked me to have his comments during the sharing session, so I did.

"為免打擾Lisa演講起見,煩請將拙見留到座談會尾聲- "心得分享"時,再代為報告為荷.相信Lisa演講的內容更充實.
2.浴室內或走道要開燈(20-30燭光的即可),地板鋪設 "止滑板"為佳

During the sharing session, there is an topic - 認識老人癡呆...  Hui-Yuan did mention one book "Still Alice" that she thought will be useful to help us understand this disease.  We all want to know more about it... Here is the information from Hui-Yuan.
"The author of the 'Still Alice' is Lisa Genova; 中文本譯名為 '我想念我自己', 由穆卓芸翻譯,遠流出版事業股份有限公司發行,譯本封面上寫道:我想不起自己的家該怎麼回去,連在家裡都會迷路。我想不起眼前叫自己'媽'的女孩是誰,丈夫的面貌也逐漸模糊。我的昨天消失了,明天還是未知數,我該為了什麼而活?記憶不斷消退,僅存的一點點'自己'也不斷隨風而逝。我想念曾經精彩的生命與摯愛的家人。我想念,我自己。
Our next month meeting will be an outdoor activity - Los Angeles River Clean-Up on 4/28/2012.