Friday, August 31, 2012

140th Hakka Toastmasters Meeting (8/25/2012)

On 8/25 (Saturday) afternoon, we have 15 Hakka friends attended our 140th meeting at Baldwin Park.  This month our term speaker is Mr. Mu-Lien Lai. (賴木連) from 竹東.  His topic supposed to be "回首移民趣事".  Mr. Lai's Hakka is fluently for sure...but maybe he did prepare too much for this presentation... By the time is up, he still stayed at the time that he just returned from his army service...  (Our audience are very nice to him and we all agree he is having the topic changed to "回首移民前趣事") ...Lisa Wu has served her Evaluation well and James Leu helps control Time.

During our sharing, we got to meet with our new friends, Mr. Joe Jou and his sister Irene, who happens to visit Joe from Taiwan...We hope Irene can lead a similar gathering in Taiwan, too.

In the Tai3Route Forum,  James Leu did his google search to find out exactly Tai 3 Route in the Map...and actually it is a lot longer than we aware.  Nowadays, when we have Tai3Route in mind, we always thought only... from FengYuan, Taichung to Chunli, Taoyuan. (mainly in the section of Tao-Chu-Miao).  Wen Sung also suggested to have Google Earth to use to get to visualize the current Tai3Route's actual scenery.  Wen also suggests that we can have more details study on the reference about
Siverado Trail in Northern California
Leuis & Clark's Historic Trail  in Oregon
Route 66 in Southern California
We do suggest our good friends, Chan-Ting & Hui-Yuan, who retired from LA Unified School District 3 years ago...might help check into these historic routes and gather good reference information for our Tai3Route to tailor its uniqueness.

This month, we practice a very enlightening Hakka song together...

阿爸介紙鷂      鄭智仁     詞曲     
                                  許正龍客家語詞       黃令先     編曲
捱阿爸  教捱來  做紙鷂   伊講   汝詌知 
俺人生  盡像紙鷂  恁樣飛
飛呀飛   風越大越高    有時會飛入濛霧中
飛呀飛   風越大越高    有時會畀風來作弄

捱阿爸  帶捱去  放紙鷂   伊講   有一日 
汝也會  盡像紙鷂  恁樣飛
飛呀飛   越飛越高   看到介東西越不清
飛呀飛   越飛越高   不好毋記得線介源頭  介雙手

(repeat *)
紙鷂呀飛    紙鷂呀飛   飛過  捱細時   一直有介夢  
紙鷂呀飛    紙鷂呀飛   飛過  捱懵懂介夢  

Let us not to forget where we're from...
Let us carry on the heritage and have our mother tongue passed on.