Saturday, September 9, 2017

Taiwanese Opera Troupe presents 'Koeh Hoai-it 郭懷一' @ San Gabriel Mission Playhouse on 9/9/2017

When The World Met Taiwan "Koeh Hoâi-it" is a Broadway-style Taiwanese Opera that tells the story of a historical turning point of different ethnic groups in Taiwan and their interlinked struggle for the recognition of the land and the hope of survival. 

A group of young dramatists from Taiwan interpret the outbreak of the story.

The opera is performed in Taiwanese, with English and Hanji subtitles.  Drama is without borders, performing arts are how people of different cultural backgrounds get to know and accept one another.

Through Taiwan opera’s interpretation of the history, we strive to bring Taiwan to the world stage out of the memory of her colonial past and long for a harmonious future among all cultures.

TUF 文化之夜-  9月9日下午台灣歌仔戲班劇團 演出 大型歌仔戲  "郭懷一"

Congratulations to TUFUSA.ORG for another great production!
Congratulations to Taiwanese Opera Troupe wins the full house crowd!

一場大戲演完了    人去樓空
「郭懐一」留給上千的洛杉磯台美人 及 台美之友
除了很深的震撼 更是多層的認識及感觸

謝謝音控 布景 服裝 just so wonderful. (如果台灣運來的背景可以用上 就更完美)

謝謝TUF 團隊 再一次完成一個不可能的任務 送給台美社區很棒的禮物

台灣歌仔戲班劇團 用我們的語言 演繹台灣的歷史 in a very classic style!
This lady is unbelievable. Professor Liu, who has a determined mind and she asks for perfect. Thank you for making it happened on 9/9/2017 at the San Gabriel Mission Playhouse.
We need more of Professor Liu in Taiwan in every field.

年輕的黃駿雄導演 導戲的功力令人驚嘆 好幾個鏡頭的設計將是 classic and here to stay in many's hearts 深印每個現場觀衆的心

廖秋 是國寶演員   莎溫 麻豆族人的母親   她有好幾段唱腔 抓緊震撼每個觀眾的心 為了這個戲 三個月來每天提早起床吊嗓子      敬業專業的態度 給年輕演員好榜樣  她是我的偶像   而且我們都是來自台北 材寮的老社區

Sunday, August 6, 2017

2017 Los Angeles Global Taiwan Hakka Culture Conference

This is the first time, HAC has moved the Conference venue of Global Taiwan Hakka Culture Conference from inside Taiwan to overseas.  Los Angeles has been so honored to be selected as the first stop.  We are very excited to get this one done, and in classic way.

It takes great team efforts to put together a big event like this.  Taiwan Elite Alliance has been invited to design the Theme (*Global starts from Local / 在地公民參與 ) and also help coordinate the Panel Discussion Programs.  To host 500+ people in a Hotel for 3 days event actually requires many details covered.  Our Prep Meetings almost weekly after July the 4th long weekend.  Salute to all these volunteers.

We have a special Taiwan Hakka Youth Group to be invited to participate the whole programs.  11 High School Girls (*They are selected by fair rules and no boy got picked... ) here to show their talents and most importantly, their fluent Hakka mother tongue in conversation.

They have impressed many Hakka friends during the event hours.  At the closing Ceremony on 8/6/2017, they have shared what they thought about this Conference.  Please click on the Link (*on the video session 12:00 - 21:50)

Finally, 2017 Los Angeles 'Global Taiwan Hakka Culture Conference' has smoothly taken place during August 4-6, 2017, at Pacific Palms Resort in City of Industry, California.

盡歡喜 佇 8/4-6/2017
承蒙 黃樹仁 先生 為大會作完整个影音紀錄 (12 個檔案)
Complete video links (12) on the following playlist:…

We are having fun to have a Mother Tongue Summer Camp... try to use Mother Tongue during the whole event...

We also donate Lucky Steamer / Bac-Gon-Cha for every participant:

Saturday, July 8, 2017

The First Taiwanese American Film Festival (7/8/2017)@ DTLA

TAP-LA made us proud!! The 1st Taiwanese Annual Film Festival went well and successful with great films, excellent panelists.... our heartfelt appreciation and admiration to the hard work and efforts that the team had put in! Other than JC, Anthony Ma (who's mom is our friend for decades...), I got to meet adorable Rocky, beautiful Lien.... what an achievement!! I also saw the "seniors" who came from everywhere to support this... HoChie, Erica Ling, Grace Lin, Candice Hung!! Charles Yu , I heard many many tales about the panel discussion, what a great model you've set up! Love you guys! Great job and congratulations, Tony Ong!
值得我們驕傲的年輕台美人!第一屆台美人影展辦的不但有聲有色,內容豐富,絶不空洞!看到這麼多認真、無怨付出的年輕志工和影劇界的青年才女才子,深以他們為榮!恭喜翁主任Tony Tony Ong!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Ceylon Tea 150 Party

We were honored to be included at the Global Ceylon Tea Party Los Angeles held by The Sri Lanka Consulate! This small tea grown country has so many similarities to Taiwan! I was very touched by the presentations by The Honorable Swarna Gunaratne, Consul General and our good friend Manik! It also brings me great sadness to see how powerless Taiwan is in every aspects due to the political issue!

Monday, May 1, 2017

2017 L.A. River CleanUp (4/29/2017)

A perfect day with Los Angeles River at the Lower Compton Creek Site on 4/29/2017.
Again, TEA (Taiwan Elite Alliance) and have organized Taiwanese Americans for this meaningful event that led by FOLAR.

Less trash this year, due to the raining Feb and March earlier. Yet, we still managed to have picked up quite a few Styrofoam boxes and snack pouches.
Thanks to the energetic Dragon Boat team members' support. Love you guys!!  Especially some members have their children plugged along to do this community service at their early age.  One day, this could become a big gift for the kids already adapt themselves to an Eco-friendly lifestyle.


As coordinator for the event, we have prepared some I-Mei Snacks for our volunteers after their job well done... some Made in Taiwan souvenirs and also teas donated by JT & Tea for the raffles drawing.

If you've missed this one...well, plan ahead... and mark your calendar when FOLAR has set the schedule for 2018 L.A. River CleanUP!   We like to see more friends from our community to participate!  For those who were there with us on 4/29/2017, BIG THANK YOU to you all!