Saturday, December 28, 2019

Big Day of TEA

12.28.2019 Saturday

Today is a big day for TEA -
Taiwan Elite Alliance (優社)

Josephine has established this non-profit organization, 20 years ago. TEA recognizes the elites, and tries to pull the resource from our community to support the elites to achieve their goals.
Over the years, has put up good efforts with our volunteers and sponsors for its commitment. 
Today, we invite our good old friends from our “Hakka Toastmasters Meeting Group” together for the last meeting of 2019.  This should be a lot of fun!

(After the event...)

What a gathering with our “old” Hakka friends! We used to do Hakka toast master program every month... it stopped and we don’t get to see each other often any more! Now we have yearly gathering! Good Hakka food! And the smart and beautiful Mrs. Huang will be 100 next year! Most of our guests are in their 70s and 80s!!



Monday, July 1, 2019

Memorial Service for our Hakka friends - Mr. & Mrs. Ho (6/30/2019)

In memory of our good friends, Mr. & Mrs. Ho Chi-yun.  TaiwanEliteAlliance volunteers worked with Hakka Foundation to have the gathering on 6.30.2019 (2-3:30pm) @Taiwan Center in Los Angeles.

This is also our 142nd Hakka Toastmasters Meeting, we decided to take the Hakka Toastmasters Meeting format to to cherish and celebrate the wonderful lives of our good friends.  Sherry Ho, the daughter has prepared PowerPoint with many photos to share with us.  Our Hakka friends also bring their own good memories, take turn we all have opportunities to express ourselves.   Hakka Foundation paid for the venue, and generously prepared the gift, Ecological Chopsticks in memory of Mr. and Mrs, Ho.

何啓垠 先生及夫人 追思紀念會

6/30 我兜 洛杉磯 介 客家朋友
用客語生活座談會 方式 共下邀集好朋友
大家用母語 分享對何先生夫婦 个追思 懐念 
實在當好 郷親鄉親 有感情正會親!
家屬用另外一種方式 來表達對自家長輩个追思
好朋友 乜用 個人接觸个角度抒發 各自个懐念 
溫馨 有 溫度 笑聲 目汁 參雜 親情 友情 傳遞

這係學 美國人 个 作法 
想起來 比恩過去 庄下 个 種種 繁瑣 風俗儀式
洛杉磯客語生活座談會 冇定著 會改變到
台灣客家 生活上 个習慣
係不係  客委會 乜作得推廣

Sunday, April 28, 2019

2019 L.A. River CleanUp (4.27.2019)

Two thumbs up for my friend, Shelly Perry Backlar,Friends of LA River, all volunteers, and Taiwan Elite Alliance, Taiwanese United Fund for this great project! So many have turned out. Shelly , you are a great leader with happy to see you today! I am extremely touched to see groups of students, parents with young kids, dedicated citizens spreading out to Clean this beautiful river! Few 1st timers shared their feelings and told me how much they’ve enjoyed this good cause! I think The most important concept of this is to make us “rethink” while using/buying/trashing ..!!


 It is always fun to gather up all volunteers at the end of our River CleamUp...and having some IMEI’s wafers and join the raffle. (Thanks to Peter and Stephanie donate the Toys, JT & Tea donates the tea and gifts...) We are a Big Family and River is the Mother of our City!

Thank you all and look forward to seeing everyone again in 2020. 

For those missed out today,  mark down your calendar when the 2020 River CleanUp Day set and announced...