Sunday, January 31, 2010

5th Annual Hakka Jokes Contest

On 1/30/2010 (Saturday), our Hakka friends are having so much fun together!
This is our 109th Hakka Toastmasters Meeting, and as usual, we are inviting all our members to use our own mother tongue to share jokes...and this year is the fifth annual Big Sweet Potato (大蕃薯) Hakka Jokes Contest.  Several new friends showed up and well prepared.
Our Mrs. Huang Wen Wentze repeats the first place.
Mr. James Leu wins the second place.
Ms. Apha Liu is the third place winner.
Please review the slideshow for the participants' passionate performance.
Mr. Leu also has video tape for all the great Hakka jokes.
Hoping the next contest we will have more Hakka friends to join us.

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