Saturday, September 25, 2010

117th Meeting @Arlington Park in Pasadena (9/25/2010)

9/25/2010, Saturday afternoon, the heat wave was hitting Southern California...105 degree has scared away many of our Hakka friends.  (*Before all arrived, our brother Shih-Hung already there to take some photos in the Garden, which are shareing with you in this slide show.)
By 3:10PM, we met all of our group at the entrance of Arlington Park in Pasadena.  Our group happens to be the only bunch at that time...We found a good shaded area with a few benches there under a big Oak tree. It is amazing to see how community can do even for a neighborhood park.  After our short stay there, most of us really feel that we should find a cooler place...and we moved over to C Cup in Temple City.  We had ordered shake ices and also yogurt...and continued our meeting at a place that seated with all youngsters. We joked with the waiters that our group probably is the oldest guests they ever served...hahaha..  Indeed a great treat to ourselves in a hot hot hot afternoon.

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