Saturday, April 27, 2013
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Chicago Hakka Conference (8/16-18/2013)
2013美洲台灣客家懇親會 暨
親愛的客家鄉親: 您好!
2013年美洲台灣客家懇親會暨全球台灣客家懇親大會, 將由美洲台灣客家聯合會與美國中西部客家同鄉會聯合主辦, 我們在此至誠的邀請您及您的親朋好友們, 能撥冗參加8月16日至8月18日, 於美國芝加哥市郊 Lisle市 Wyndham
Hotel舉辦的【美洲台灣客家懇親會 暨 全球台灣客家懇親大會】。
這次美洲台灣客家聯合會與美國中西部客家同鄉會的主辦大會, 以 ”心懷桐花, 擁抱天下”為主題, 希望藉由藝術展覽,各類專題演講, 客家演藝表演,
客家音樂, 客家傳統戲, 等多種層面的展現,
來增進美洲與世界各地客家鄉親們之間的感情. 會後林敬賢會長將招待您免費芝加哥一日遊, 同時大會也精心安排了兩個不同的行程,
一個是芝加哥-威斯康辛州名城五日遊, 另一個是溫哥華與加拿大Rocky Mountain的國家公園BanffNational Park, Lake Louise, Jasper National Park等六日或七日遊, 相信不管您選那個旅遊行程,都會帶給您永生難忘的回憶的。
敬祝您 身心健康 一切順利
會長 林敬賢
會長 林敬賢
Sunday, April 21, 2013
330 Hakka Gathering @ Kuanshi, Hsinchu (147th Hakka Toastmasters Meeting)

I can't thank enough to everyone.
Mr. Wei has given us such a wonderful session about Taiwan's history. His way way of approach - with so many old Taiwan maps does impress and help our audience to understand where those footprints on each different time... With his collections of those maps, open up our brains to think while everyone is listening to his explanation. (*After this session, we feel this is not only for Hakka friends, should be good for events that will highlight on Taiwan's history. We are just so lucky to have been there to see his excellent PPS with so many valuable maps and photos from his own collections.
Mr. Lou's presentation - just like his topic... "Enlightenment Movement" - to have printed material ready maybe is be a good tip for our friends who are attending our next Hakka Gathering. (I have his report in the link. ) Since the Hakka gathering is usually a large group than our regular Hakka Toastmasters Meeting...everyone is limited in the time of speaking during the second half, "sharing" session. That is a good way for the attendees who will like to share with all their own viewpoints.
Again, thanks to our Venue host, Mr. Lou and his whole crew. I know how much efforts involved to prepare for our gathering. We got treated with a very delicious Hakka cuisine farewell dinner after our gathering, plus the snacks and tea during the Gathering.
I agree with many of you...seeing so many new faces and also young faces in our 330 Gathering means a lot. We know many of you who can't make it there, yet with your efforts to help promotion over the emails, phone calls and social media...these efforts of you make this Gathering happened.
Just like Mr. CS Lou suggested, we hope this 147th Monthly Meeting of L.A. Hakka Toastmasters Meeting, will gradually set fire on many townships in Taiwan to organize their own Hakka Toastmaster Meeting group soon.
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