Monday, July 30, 2012

139th Hakka Toastmasters Meeting (7/29/2012)

Our 139th Meeting was successfully taken place on 7/29/2012 (Sunday) afternoon.  We apologize for the inconvenience to some of our friends who are so used to Saturday gathering.  (*Brother Peng Yuan-Hsiang actually scheduled to be here on 7/28 and found out the day is wrong...yet he got his Sunday commitment already...) We also have to do the assignments changes at the last minute...Josephine Pan replace Brother Peng to be our Timer, and Thomas Shu must replace Ivan Huang as MC.  In the bright side, we got a few new friends to join us this month.

One very interesting remark for this month...
it is indeed very Hakka 3 Line Poem in the spirit of this meeting.  Before the meeting, we received an email sent by brother CS Lou from Kuanshi, Hsinchu, with his message in Hakka Haiku to support our meeting. And the term speaker, brother James Leu has written his Hakka Haiku for his topic: 雜貨營生甘苦談 each poem means a special story...  This is really something special and a great way to tell stories.  You can review total 24 Hakka poems that cover his presentation:

Followed by the evaluation review by Chan-Ting Lin..., we invited all attendants to recite one
Hakka song:  
白鶴       客家民歌     陳永淘詞曲

一條大路直直大大   〈一條大馬路直直大大的在眼前延伸〉
一枝腳頭生鹵二捱   〈一把鋤頭滿覆重銹在屋角落放著〉          
一間泥屋連山愛賣   〈有一間泥屋要連著山一起賣掉〉
一坵良田鋪著水泥   〈有一塊良田已被鋪上了水泥〉
嗯………                    〈一群白鶴在哭泣…〉 
一條大路直直大大   〈一條大馬路直直大大的在眼前延伸〉
一間工廠生意不壞   〈一間工廠生意不錯的運作著〉   
一頭大樹連根出賣   〈有一棵大樹要連著根一起出賣〉
一潭污水冇魚 〈有一潭污水裏面沒有魚也沒有蛙〉
嗯………                    〈一群白鶴在哭泣…〉
一條大路直直大大   〈一條大馬路直直大大的在眼前延伸〉
一種遊戲捱毋瞭解   〈有一種遊戲是我無法明瞭的〉   
一家子女毋知去哪   〈一整家子女散布各方不知到哪去了〉
一群白鶴尋無所在   〈一群白鶴找不到地方棲息〉
嗯………                   〈一群白鶴在哭泣…〉

With this song, we started our first forum discussion on  
It turned out very hot all of a sudden, with Wen Sung who gave his first opinion....All the friends do come up so many great suggestions, and we try to summarize all here:
1.) 應有一份明確Google Map to indicate the exact Tai3 Route.  So we all know exactly...
2.) Invite seniors to share their stories...but we need to have a volunteer team of field study to trace the story.  It could be a 全民運動. 
3.) 鼓勵大家轉貼家中收存老相簿的相片  (set up a site for posting the old photos)
4.) No need to emphasize "Hakka" - it should not be for the Hakka... Make it as simple as possible.
5.) Not to be trapped as 選舉花招, or 空洞的政見., should be a consensus shared by the people. No matter who執政 should carry along. 
6.) 整理既有的相関台3線研究与調查,集中方便查閱。
7.) 產業面,對現有相関業者的經營意願訪查、與未來展望?現實狀况掌握明確,不要舊問題不能解決,又帶新困擾給現有業者。
8.) 先找到"火車頭"動力方案, 重點要明確 有特色 能吸引投資經營 而不是綁樁、消耗預算

We ended our first "Tai 3 Route" forum discussion with sharing an article:   伯公下

Attached a few links to Hakka 3 line Poem posts with reference to this discussion...
we look forward to reading more Hakka poems very soon...

Los Angeles Hakka Toastmasters Meeting group also sincerely encourage that there will be many more friends to lead their local communities to gather and share their insights about "Tai 3 Route" project.   Share your comments right below this post.

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